Andrew Mushel

Login Client Configuration

This page explains the settings currently available for configuring a Login with Unstoppable client on the Client Management Dashboard. The default configuration for a new client works right out of the box for local development. The minimum viable configuration for the Login with Unstoppable client integrated with a live application requires custom redirect URIs.

You must Confirm Changes made to your client configuration before they will take effect. For enhanced security, certain actions may require a wallet signature. This does not require any ETH in your wallet. You will only need to sign transactions to confirm ownership of your wallet address.


The Branding Configuration page allows developers to customize the Login With Unstoppable UI to more closely match their own application's user experience.

Client Configuration UI, Cosmetic Config section

Client Branding Configuration

The following table describes the fields for the cosmetic configuration UI section.

Client NameThe client name as presented to the user; display name of the Client URI hyperlink.
Client URIThe default value of the hyperlink is the client redirect URI (from Client Metadata) unless this field is complete.
Logo URIIf provided, the client will retrieve and display an image from this location directly above the Client Name.
Policy URIPolicy URI will display at the bottom of the UI.
Terms of Service URITerms of Service URI will display at the bottom of the UI.


The Login configuration page contains settings and metadata specific to Login with Unstoppable integrations.

Client Metadata

The Client Metadata contains the client-specific information required to send requests to the Unstoppable authorization server. It is updated to reflect confirmed changes to client settings.

    clientID: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    clientSecret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    clientAuthMethod: "client_secret_xxxx",
    redirectUri: "http://localhost/",
    scope: "openid wallet",
clientIDYour unique Client ID generated by the Client Management Dashboard.
clientSecretA private key known only to your application and the authorization server. Present only if Token Endpoint Authentication Method is enabled.
clientAuthMethodReflects the value of Token Endpoint Authentication Method, if it is enabled.
scopeThe profile information your application will be requesting from the user. In addition to the minimum scope of openid wallet, applications can request additional scopes by adding more tokens to this string in their UAuth configuration options.
redirectURIThe URI that the auth server will redirect to after every authorization attempt.

Redirect URIs

Add new Redirect URIs to your client by entering them into the text input box at the end of the list and hitting return/enter or clicking the + button to the right.

Entering Redirect URIs

Add new Redirect URIs

Rules for Redirect URIs

The Redirect URIs follow three rules:

  1. http URIs must resolve to URIs hosted at or http://localhost.
  2. URIs hosted at do NOT require the port to be specified. All other URIs (including those hosted at http://localhost) require the correct port to be specified.
  3. All https URIs specified must use the same origin (e.g.,

localhost is okay for test development, but should be used for live environments. It is best practice to use a hardcoded IP address in a live environment instead of the local host.


The TLDs Configuration page allows Login partners to select which TLDs (also known as domain endings or domain extensions) will be availabe to users as part of this Login client's free and paid domain flows.

View the full list of supported TLDs by clicking the Manage TLD button.


The Payment page allows Login partners to enable revenue share and receive a percentage of paid domains sold in the integrated login flow. This requires no additional code from existing login integrations. To enable this feature:

  1. Enable Receive revenue from selling domains

Enable Receive revenue from selling domains

Enable Receive revenue from selling domains

  1. Enter your Reseller ID. If you don't have one, you will need to create a new UD Partner account.

Enter your Reseller ID

Enter your Reseller ID

  1. Enter your email and send a revenue share request.

Send revenue share request

Send revenue share request

  1. Once your revenue share has been approved, click Connect Stripe Live and connect a Stripe account to start receiving payments.

Stripe account connected and revenue share configuration complete

Revenue share configuration complete


The Badges configuration page allows partners to submit custom badges that can be earned and displayed on users' Unstoppable Domains profile pages. For an example of a profile with multiple badges earned see

Badges page with an existing badge

Badges configuration page with a pending badge

For clients with no existing badges, the badge configuration form will be displayed by default. For clients with one or more existing badges defined, click Create new badge or click on any badge in the list to edit.

Badge Configuration Settings

Badge configuration settings

Badge LogoThe URI of the image to be displayed in the profile of users who have earned this badge.
Badge NameShort name for badge. 60 characters or less.
Badge DescriptionA description of the badge and the conditions required for users to earn it. 250 characters or less.
Smart Contract BlockchainThe blockchain on which the badge smart contract lives. Currently supports EVM chains.
Smart Contract AddressThe address of the smart contract defining the conditions under which users can earn this badge. The contract will be checked periodically and the badge automatically added to qualifying profiles.

Click Confirm changes to save the new or modified badge configuration or click Preview Badge to see a preview modal of the configured badge.

Badge preview

Badge preview

Advanced Configuration

The Advanced Configuration page includes options for CORS, audience URIs, grant types, response types, scopes, and token endpoint auth method.

The advanced configuration settings are unnecessary for many configurations and could break existing Login integrations.

Login Client Advanced Configuration


The following section describes the fields for the Advanced configuration page.

Allowed CORS Origins

CORS is a browser protocol for accessing info from another domain. If a URI is entered, CORS is enabled for all requests from that client. Developers can enter the origin URI and specify the port. The Token, UserInfo, and Revocation endpoints all respect this option.

The initial authorization endpoint that users are redirected to cannot use CORS; it will not work.

Audience URIs

This only needs to be configured if using an API that requires an audience URI.

These URIs represent the audience that is inside the access token JWTs. You get back an access token and ID token and both are JWTs. The access token is opaque.

Grant Types

There are two ways to request an access token: authorization code and refresh token.

Response Types

There are three response types: authorization code, access token, ID token.

All authorization code requests or flows must use the PKCE extension. This only refers to the authorization code response type.

Token Endpoint Authentication Method

This setting cannot be used for front-end integrations. It can only be enabled for applications, such as servers, that can store secrets.

This setting configures how to send the client secret to the authorization server after you receive the authorization code; can be enabled for an extra layer of security but can only be used if your application can store secrets (e.g., node.js integrations). The client secret is stored on the server as a hash, so the authorization server doesn't actually know the client secret. See additional resources for Client Basic and Client Secret oAuth.

Copy and Save the Client Secret as soon as the Token Authentication Method has been changed/saved because the client secret will not re-appear after the page is refreshed. If you lose the client secret after the application goes live, then the only way to change the secret is to rotate it and immediately download the client metadata, so you have a copy of the client configuration (to create a new client with new login credentials).

Next to Choose Your Integration Path