Andrew Mushel

UAuth Web3Modal Library

The @uauth/web3modal library is a middleware library used for integrating UAuth with Web3Modal applications.


The connector function is used to create a provider for the web3modal library.

async function connector(
  UAuth: typeof UAuthSPA,
  opts: IUAuthOptions,
): Promise<any>


The connector() function needs access to a web3modal instance in order to connect a provider properly. This function registers a web3modal instance for the connector to use. This function MUST be called before connector().

function registerWeb3Modal(web3modal: Web3Modal) => void


This function creates and returns a new UAuth instance using the package and options.

function getUAuth(
  UAuth: typeof UAuthSPA,
  opts: IUAuthOptions): UAuth


Since UAuth is not natively integrated into the web3modal library, applications must supply some assets for the Web3 Modal UI. These are those assets.

import type {IProviderDisplay} from 'web3modal'

export const display: IProviderDisplay = { ... }


The options object passed to the connector function to configure a UAuth provider for Web3Modal. Extends IAbstractConnectorOptions and UAuthConstructorOptions;

interface IUAuthOptions
  extends Partial<IAbstractConnectorOptions>,
    UAuthConstructorOptions {
  shouldLoginWithRedirect?: boolean


If set to true, the UAuth provider created by the connector function will use the login() method instead of the default, loginWithPopup().

Then you must set up a callback page for the authorization server to redirect back to.

import UAuthSPA from '@uauth/js'
import * as UAuthWeb3Modal from '@uauth/web3modal'
import {uauthOptions} from './web3modal'

// On page load...

UAuthWeb3Modal.getUAuth(UAuthSPA, uauthOptions)
  .then(async () => {
    const provider = await web3modal.connectTo('custom-uauth')

    // Save provider in state and redirect to success page
  .catch(error => {
    // Redirect to failure page